Obtener todas las Variables

Este endpoint devuelve todos las Variables.

Solicitud HTTP

Para obtener todas las Variables, haz una petición GET a la siguiente URL:


Para obtener todas las Variables de un Device, haz una petición GET a la siguiente URL:


Parámetros de consulta

tokenStringAuthenticationAuthentication Token can optionally be sent as a query parameter.
pageNumberPaginationReturns the corresponding page of the result
page_sizeNumberPaginationNumber of items per page, if not provided takes default values of 50 (for variables 200)
created_atStringSortSort all Variables based on date created. Default descending.
labelStringSortSort by label
nameStringSortSort by name
fieldsComma separated listDynamic FieldsSpecify the fields that should be obtained in the response object.
searchStringSearchAllows to search on the following fields with one request label, name, description, username, firstName, lastName
idStringFilterFilter by id
labelStringFilterFilter by label
nameStringFilterFilter by name
descriptionStringFilterFilter by description
tagsArrayFilterFilter by tags
createdAtDateFilterFilter by date created
propertiesJsonFilterFilter by properties
unitStringFilterFilter by unit
deviceRelated Device FilterRelated FilterFilter by Related Device Filter (device__<device_attribute>__<filter>)
lastActivityIntegerFilterFilter by last activity


lastActivity solo para el endpoint Obtener todas las Variables de un Device

Ten en cuenta: El parámetro de consulta lastActivity solo está disponible para el endpoint:



X-Auth-TokenYesAuthentication Token of account
$ curl -X GET 'https://api.netux.com/api/v2.0/variables/' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73' \


Devuelve un objeto con un array results que contiene todas las Variables.

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "createdAt": "2019-12-18T14:38:38.354415Z",
            "syntheticExpression": "",
            "description": "",
            "device": {
                "id": "6e309da44fc8455a9cceb5aa",
                "label": "first-device",
                "name": "First Device",
                "url": "http://api.netux.com/api/v2.0/devices/6e309da44fc8455a9cceb5aa"
            "icon": "",
            "id": "781b33e657aa5dfa39e69391",
            "label": "first-variable",
            "lastActivity": null,
            "lastValue": {},
            "name": "First Variable",
            "properties": {
                "any": "thing"
            "tags": [],
            "type": "raw",
            "unit": null,
            "url": "http://api.netux.com/api/v2.0/variables/781b33e657aa5dfa39e69391",
            "valuesUrl": "http://api.netux.com/api/v2.0/variables/781b33e657aa5dfa39e69391/values"
    "code": 400001,
    "message": "Validation Error.",
    "detail": {
    "code": 401001,
    "message": "Authentication credentials were not provided.",
    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."