Actualizar campos de una Organization

Este endpoint actualiza los campos de una Organization especificados en el cuerpo.

Solicitud HTTP

Para actualizar uno o más atributos específicos de una Organization, haz una petición PATCH a la siguiente URL:


Parámetros de ruta

organization_keyStringThe id or label of the Organization, label should use the prefix ~

Parámetros de consulta

tokenStringAuthenticationAuthentication Token can optionally be sent as a query parameter.

Parámetros de cuerpo

labelStringNoThe API label of Organization
nameStringNoName of the Organization
descriptionStringNoDescription of Organization
faviconImage FileNoIcon of Organization. How to update the favicon
logoImage FileNoLogo of Organization. How to update the logo
propertiesObjectNoOrganization properties
isActiveBooleanNoIs True when Organization is active
app<app_key>NoKey of App (id or label)


Actualizando favicon y logo

Nuestro backend es tan potente que puede manejar archivos. Sin embargo, hay una pequeña consideración, los datos deben ser enviados como form-data. Esto significa simplemente una flag diferente en el curl. Además, es importante saber que también se pueden enviar los otros atributos como form-data. A continuación un ejemplo:

curl -X PATCH '<organization_key>' \ 
-H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73' \ 
-F 'favicon=path/logo.png' \
-F 'logo=@logoname'


X-Auth-TokenYesAuthentication Token of account
$ curl -X PATCH '<organization_key>' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'X-Auth-Token: oaXBo6ODhIjPsusNRPUGIK4d72bc73' \
 -d '{
    "label": "variable2",
    "name": "Variable 2",
    "description": "my variable 2", 
    "tags": ["blue", "yellow"],
    "properties": {}


Devuelve un objeto Organization de la Organization actualizada.

    "app": null,
    "createdAt": "2020-01-01T14:05:55.471155Z",
    "description": "Other Organization",
    "devicesCount": 0,
    "favicon": null,
    "id": "435ab418805c32fa400f",
    "isActive": true,
    "label": "my-second-customer",
    "limits": [
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "hdd-o",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Devices",
            "type": "devices"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "envelope",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Emails",
            "type": "emails"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "signal",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Variables",
            "type": "variables"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "users",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Users",
            "type": "users"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "spinner",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Dots",
            "type": "dots"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": "mobile-phone",
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "SMS",
            "type": "sms"
            "actual_value": 0,
            "icon": null,
            "max_value": "*",
            "name": "Voice",
            "type": "voice"
    "logo": null,
    "name": "My Best Customer",
    "properties": {"any": "thing"},
    "url": "",
    "usersCount": 0
    "code": 400001,
    "message": "Validation Error.",
    "detail": {
    "code": 401001,
    "message": "Authentication credentials were not provided.",
    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."