Objeto Device Type

Describe el objeto JSON de un Device Type.

Un Device Type en Netux | Cloud puede almacenar parámetros que pueden ser aplicados a un nuevo Device al crearlo.

idStringId of Device Type
labelStringLabel of Device Type
nameStringName of Device Type
createdAtStringDate Device Type was created
descriptionStringDescription of Device Type
deviceColorStringHTML Color of Device Type
deviceIconStringDevice Type Icon
variableColorStringHTML Color of Variables
syntheticVariableColorStringHTML Color of Synthetic Variables
variablesString ArrayList of Variable Ids that belong to the Device Type
propertiesArrayProperties of Device Type
tasksArrayTasks of Device Type
urlStringUrl of Device Type
    "url": "https://api.netux.com/api/v2.0/device_types/5e1f7e5789f9bd7c4e7f1e2c",
    "id": "5e1f7e5789f9bd7c4e7f1e2c",
    "name": "el type aquel",
    "label": "el-type-quel",
    "description": "La description aquella",
    "deviceColor": "#3BA9F5",
    "deviceIcon": "pencil",
    "variableColor": "#FFAE58",
    "syntheticVariableColor": "#",
    "variables": [],
    "properties": [],
    "tasks": [],
    "createdAt": "2020-01-15T21:04:23.602975Z"